No Hollywood producer could replicate this. After being in cement rooms all day, maybe this is what was so hypnotizing, a once-in-a-lifetime scene. Water, a full rainbow, clouds filled with vibrant orange-red colors.
It literally took your breath away with this five-minute entry into pure raw beauty. The sky over the water grew more and more intensely filled with blood. The rainbow last night got brighter and brighter. There are many beautiful sunsets here at the marina. And in front of the marina the red blood colors began to brighten the sky. On the right, the rain was still lingering in the sky. We ended in the afternoon, and the clouds began to blow across the sky. We had a retreat on two different yards yesterday. The day before it had rained in the morning. It was only 100 degrees, so it seemed cool. The orange and red colored the whole sky. Camera out trying to take the perfect picture.